The Poo Solution: Easing Colic for Your Baby

The Poo Solution: Easing Colic for Your Baby


When your little one is suffering from colic, it can be a distressing time for both you and your baby. The seemingly endless crying can leave you feeling exhausted, frustrated, and desperate for relief. But what if there’s an easy solution to help your colicky baby? In this article, we’ll explore the role of bowel movements in alleviating colic and provide practical tips on how to “make them poo” to ease their discomfort. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding Colic and Its Causes

Before we discuss the poo solution, let’s take a quick look at what colic is and its possible causes:

  • What is colic? Colic is a term used to describe severe, often fluctuating pain in the abdomen that occurs in infants, typically in the first few months of life. It’s characterized by episodes of excessive crying, often at the same time each day, and usually in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Possible causes: While the exact cause of colic remains unclear, some experts believe that it could be due to an immature digestive system, food allergies or sensitivities, or even a buildup of gas in the intestines.

The Poo Solution: How Bowel Movements Can Help

Now that we have a better understanding of colic, let’s discuss how bowel movements can help alleviate your baby’s discomfort:

  1. Relieving gas and bloating: One of the primary reasons for colic could be gas trapped in the intestines. When your baby poops, they expel gas, which can help relieve the pressure and discomfort associated with colic.
  2. Easing digestive discomfort: Regular bowel movements can help ensure that your baby’s digestive system is functioning properly, which may reduce colic symptoms.

Practical Tips to “Make Them Poo”

Here are some tried-and-tested techniques to encourage bowel movements and ease your baby’s colic:

  1. Bicycle legs: Lay your baby on their back and gently move their legs in a bicycle-pedaling motion. This can help stimulate their intestines and promote bowel movements.
  2. Tummy massage: Gently massage your baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction, which follows the natural path of the intestines. This can help move gas and stool through their system.
  3. Warm baths: A warm bath can help relax your baby’s muscles, making it easier for them to pass gas and poop.
  4. Burping: Make sure to burp your baby frequently during and after feedings to help release trapped gas.
  5. Dietary changes: If you’re breastfeeding, consider eliminating potential allergens or irritants from your diet, such as dairy, caffeine, or spicy foods. If your baby is formula-fed, talk to your pediatrician about trying a hypoallergenic formula.

In a Nutshell: Poop Away the Colic Blues

By encouraging regular bowel movements, you can help alleviate the discomfort associated with colic and make life a little easier for both you and your baby. Remember, every baby is different, so it’s essential to be patient and try various techniques to see what works best for your little one. And as always, consult your pediatrician if you’re concerned about your baby’s health or well-being.


1. Can bowel movements really help with colic? Yes, bowel movements can help relieve gas and bloating associated with colic, which can ease your baby’s discomfort.

2. How often should my baby poop to help with colic? There’s no specific number of times your baby should poop, as each baby is different. However, if your baby is experiencing colic, it’s important to encourage regular bowel movements to help alleviate their discomfort.

3. What if my baby is constipated? If your baby is constipated, it’s essential to address the issue, as this could contribute to colic. Consult your pediatrician for guidance on how to relieve constipation and discuss any dietary changes that may be necessary.

4. Can I give my baby any over-the-counter medication for colic? It’s important to consult your pediatrician before giving any medication to your baby, as some over-the-counter remedies may not be suitable for infants.

5. When should I be concerned about my baby’s colic? If your baby’s colic doesn’t improve with these techniques or if you’re concerned about their health, consult your pediatrician for further evaluation and guidance.

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